Disable project

Mathan | Saturday, October 29, 2011 |

Background of the Project:
Batticaloa district is one of the affected districts in the Eastern Province. And this district is affected by prolong ethnic conflict (30 years), Tsunami (2004) and military evacuation in 2007 to 2008. Batticaloa district consist of 14 Divisional Secretariat divisions as per the population and easiness of the administration. Due to the ethnic conflict many people affected directly and it was the main reason to raise the amount of disabled population and widows in the district. Here general public and combatant were disabled due to the ethnic conflict. Most of the disabled people who affected by the ethnic conflict are living without facilities, wellbeing and social security. They have faced many difficulties in day today life. They expect the special care from the community.  Some of the disability persons have different ability. It will be help to develop their job opportunity and livelihood. But unfortunately they haven’t opportunity and proper training facilities. Therefore they need a home for care them and provide the suitable training to enhance their different abilities to develop the livelihood.
 Target Group:
In the first phase Ten (10) disabled persons will be selected among the affected by the ethnic conflict directly. This group includes the both public and ex-combatant.
  • To care the disabled personswho are in special needs
  • Provide the training to the disable people
  • Direct for job opportunities to the disabled
  • Develop the livelihood of the disabled
  • Provide the social security to the disabled

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